5 Amazingly Easy Back To School Tips Every Parent Should Know
These back to school tips will take the stress out of your school morning routine, provide some easy school night dinner ideas, and more!
Are you dreading the back to school morning chaos?
Tired of the non stop hunting for your children’s missing shoes?
Is pizza delivery on speed dial because you just don’t have the energy to cook?
YOU are not alone! Heading back to school is an exciting time! But, it can also leave you feeling completely overwhelmed.
These 5 Amazingly Easy Back To School Tips Every Parent Should Know have got you covered!
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These back to school tips are incredibly easy to implement, and get everyone on track for an amazing school year!
Are you ready to get your back to school game on? Of course you are!
Because you are amazing, and totally got this!
Back To School Bedtime Routine
Bedtime routines can be one of the first things to go right out the window during Summer break! I know ours does. 😉
Set a scheduled bedtime for the kids, and yourself, at least two weeks before heading back to school.
This helps everyone, including you, get back into the swing of things. It also helps those little bodies to be well rested before school starts.
If you have completely thrown the bedtime routine out the window…absolutely NO judgement from over here! It might be a good idea to have a family meeting about the new sleep schedule.
Big changes in schedules and routines, can throw kids for a major loop! Which can lead to tantrums, and some pretty epic levels of resistance from the kiddos.
Having a family meeting explaining why everyone needs rest for their bodies to grow and become stronger is always a great idea.
Family meetings are a great way for your child to express themselves about any fears or concerns they may have before heading back to school.
However, be prepared for some epic excuses as to “why” they should not have to go to bed early.
Pro Tip: Combat those excuses with the fact that Batman and Wonder Woman could not be superheroes without sleep…just saying…it may work! 😉
Night Before School Preparedness
Reach next level back to school preparedness by having everything ready the night before school starts.
Make sure to have outfits ready to go in the morning.
You can do this by having the outfit all hung up and ready, or simply laid out for your child to dress themselves in the morning.
This is a major time saver, and eliminates the “please put on your clothes!” morning stress. 😉
Another super easy back to school tip is to get lunch ready the night before school.
Super simple, but let me tell you, I NEVER did it!
Mornings were already total chaos, and I still needed to pack lunch…enter crazy lady mode!
By making this super simple and easy change, your mornings will be a whole lot easier!
Here are some simple tips for packing lunch the night before school:
- Ice packs in the freezer
- Prep any food – slice apples (add lemon juice to prevent browning), make sandwich, peel oranges, etc.
- Put the prepared food into lunchbox containers
- Place lunchbox on counter so it’s easily accessible
I cannot stress this enough…have a designated area for shoes!
How many mornings, are you running around like a crazy person trying to find the dreaded shoes???
It’s insane! Like do shoe monsters live in our houses, and gobble them up? Better yet do they strategically hide them just to turn us into full on yellers?
ENTER the shoe basket!
Grab a basket, like no bigs y’all…think Dollar Store.
Place the shoe basket near the door you enter and leave your house. ALL of your children’s shoes will go into this basket.
When the kids enter your home, have them immediately take their shoes off and put them into the basket. NO exceptions!
It will take some time to stay on top of this, and some minor micro managing on your part. But, eventually everyone will get it, and it is a morning GAME CHANGER!
Back To School Meal Prep
Another easy back to school tip is to have meal prep covered for your dinners too!
By having all of the meal prep done, dinners are a breeze. And let’s face it, once school starts, those tiny human’s schedules get out of control quickly.
There are sports practices, dance, band, AND homework. If you aren’t prepared for dinner, then we all know who happens next.
It’s either the drive thru, take out, or pizza. And let’s be honest, that gets old really quick.
Plus, it’s not very budget or waist friendly!
Adding weekly meal prep for your family dinners is such a time saver.
Here are some quick and easy family dinner ideas for during the school week:
Easy Black Bean Tostadas – Wash and slice all the veggies on Sunday, so that all you need to do is assemble and bake for dinner.
You can even make the black beans a few days ahead as well.
This makes for a perfect school night dinner idea!
Freezer Friendly Beef Enchiladas – These yummy beef enchiladas can be made ahead of time, and placed in the freezer! Freezer meals for the win!
Back To School Supplies
Most schools will issue a school supply list before heading back to school.
It helps to get ahead of the game, and get most of your shopping done early.
One, so that you are an on top of your back to school game!
Two, have you seen Target, Walmart, and the other box stores right before the school season starts? It is total INSANITY!
If your child’s school does not provide a school supply list until school starts, here is a list of basic school supplies that your child may need before heading back to school:
- Pencil box
- Crayons
- Colored pencils
- No. 2 pencils
- Washable markers
- Glue sticks
- Erasers
- 3 ring binder
- Plastic folders
- Ruler
- Assorted construction paper
- Index Cards
- Wide ruled notebook
- Glue
- Blunt tip scissors
Restore some sanity and time back into your life, and buy the school supplies EARLY!
Back To School Calendar
Having a white board calendar in a central location, marked with important school dates for the month, is a super easy back to school tip for parents.
Most schools put out the yearly calendar in advance of heading back to school.
Be sure to check your child’s school website for all the important school dates. (Think first day of school, half days, any school holidays.)
Everyone being able to see what will be happening that month, is such a great way to get everyone on the same page.
Wrapping it up
Heading back to school can be a breeze for your family if you are prepared.
With these tips you now have all the tools you need to rock this school year.
You are organized, have some quick and easy meal ideas for school night dinners, and are done with the dreaded missing shoes!
Now get out there, and have an amazing school year!
I have recently started working out of the house part-time and my son started preschool, life is definitely more hectic than it’s ever been. These tips are so helpful, I especially love how you included easy dinner recipes!
It can be so tough managing ALL the schedules…LOL! I am so glad that you found these back to school tips helpful! I am also SO happy that you like the easy dinner recipes, and I hope that your family enjoys them! XO Amanda
Great tips! Our school has set it up so we just pay them a supply fee and they provide the school supplies – it makes life SO much easier! Meal prep is vital for us, especially once activities get underway and life gets crazy. Off to check out the two recipes you linked – thanks!
That is wonderful that your school has a supply fee! I am sure that takes a huge load off of your mama shoulders! Meal prep is such a time saver for back to school time. If I didn’t have a plan…we would probably eat cereal every night. LOL! Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you like the Black Bean Tostadas, and the Freezer Friendly Beef Enchiladas. XO Amanda