10 Free Apps That Will Make You A Rockstar Mom

Did you know that there really is an app for that? 😉 Seriously, there are some fantastic apps out there that help me to be a rock star mama on the daily! So, I am super excited to share with you 10 Free Apps that will make you rock motherhood!

Technology huh? Man it’s a fickle thing. One minute we want to monitor and cut down on screen time, the next we are praising the heavens for our sweet Instagram escape! Am I right? 😉

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There really are apps for everything from keeping organized, to tracking expenditures, and even finding the closest place to potty. It is truly amazing!

So I am thanking all of those wonderful people that somehow have the ingenuity and brain power to create these awesome apps, and sharing them with you today!

PicniicFree; upgrades available

The Picniic app is an affiliate, and I will receive a reward based on you downloading the app.

The 10 Best Apps That Will Make You Rock Motherhood

Y’all this app is my family assistant command center! It is a shared calendar, to do list, recipe finder, grocery list, and important contacts powerhouse. Which means my husband and I are FINALLY on the same page…which is amazing!

I can easily look up a recipe, and add any ingredients to my grocery list. If there is a last minute change in my husband’s schedule, he just makes a quick update, and I am immediately alerted. Total awesomesauce! (Yes, it is a word…and I say it a lot. 😉 )

You will need to go online first to register, and then you can download the app. I would absolutely love it if you used my ambassador code to register: rf6r 🙂

EvernoteFree;  iTunes, Google Play

The Best 10 Free Apps That Will Make You Rock MotherhoodThe Best 10 Free Apps That Will Make You Rock Motherhood

This app is a note taking memory machine!

To be honest when I first heard of Evernote, I thought when on Earth will I use a note taking app? Let me give you the short answer…All.the.time!

You know when you are out somewhere, have a thought, and need to write it down? Or, you are out and about and someone tells you about an amazing clothing brand, or a fantastic pasta recipe that you would love to try?

Enter Evernote! You can take a quick note, or take a pic of that recipe. Later on when your mommy brain remembers ‘wasn’t there a pasta recipe I wanted to try?’

Simply open the app, enter pasta as a keyword search, and the magical app will recognize the word pasta just from the picture! Whaattt?!? Seriously magical y’all!

This is just a tiny example of the amazingness of this app. I use this for all of my thoughts when I am on the go, a book I want to check out, music, or cute shops that I want to see later. AND, this app truly helps me look like I have got it together!  Which I totally don’t, but that can be our secret. 😉

Plant Nanny – Free; iTunes, Google Play, Windows Phone

10 Free Apps That Will Make You Rock Motherhood

We all know we should be drinking more water. This app helps you to achieve this in such a fun way!

This app helps you to stay on track and hydrated. First you will pick a cute little plant, and your cup size. The app will remind you to water your plant, which really means you!

I get so busy doing this MomLife thing, and this app is a great for keeping me on track with drinking water!

Playground BuddyFree; iTunes, Google Play

10 Free Apps That Will Make You Rock Motherhood

This app helps you to find playgrounds wherever you are! This is the perfect app when visiting new places, and for super long road trips. It is also great for discovering playgrounds that you may have not known were even there.

WazeFree; iTunes, Google Play

10 Free Apps That Will Make You Rock Motherhood

Y’all this app is my everything when I am on the road! It is a community based traffic app that has realtime updates on traffic, and wrecks, and lets me know the quickest way to get where I need to be!

This is a life saver for me as my youngest is the WORST passenger! #aintnobodygottimeforthat 😉

Kid’s Eat Free – Free; iTunes, Android

This app is pretty self explanatory. It will show you the restaurants closest to you where the kiddos can eat for free. AND, you will look like a total rockstar for being such a financially savvy mama! 🙂

Chore MonsterFree; iTunes, Google Play

10 Free Apps That Will Make You Rock Motherhood

This app makes chore time easy and fun! You decide which chores you would like to assign, and the kiddos can earn rewards for completing them.

I love this app because it helps encourage responsibility, and the kiddos love earning their rewards!

VarageSaleFree; iTunes, Google Play

If you are looking to get rid of some unwanted clutter, or things your children no longer need, AND make some money, this is the app for you!

It is a virtual garage sale, and it is AMAZING! Everyone is reviewed before they can buy or sell, so you can feel safe to use the app and see who you are meeting before you actually meet.

Sit or Squat by CharminFree; iTunes, Google Play

10 Free Apps That Will Make You Rock Motherhood

This app is perfect for when you, or your kiddo needs to go! This app locates the closest public restroom, and lets you know if you can sit (it is clean) or squat (it could be better).

I know it sounds kind of silly, but this app is awesome in general, and especially if you are potty training!

MintFree; iTunes, Google Play

10 Free Apps That Will Make You Rock Motherhood 10 Free Apps That Will Make You Rock Motherhood

This app is my go to for our finances. I can keep track of our budget, see what I’m spending, where I can save money, and pay our bills all in one place.

This app really helps with keeping all of the money stuff organized, and keeps us on track. I mean not that I would ever overspend…I’m looking at you Target! 😉

Y’all these apps are total awesomesauce, and truly help with making me a rockstar mom! So go get your download on, and let me know what you think.


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  1. Wow, they’re pretty cool for anyone, mums or not! I never used some of these and can see how useful they will be to me (I’m not a mum but that’s ok!) Thanks for the great share.

    Enjoy the journey!

    1. They are pretty amazing apps! There are some fantastic ones that will help with productivity, and keeping you on track. Thanks so much for reading Mandy! XO

  2. Awesome list. I use a few of these already but I’m definitely gonna download the playground and bathroom app.

  3. I have heard SO much about Evernote.. and I think it’s finally time that I figured it out! Awesome post.. even though I’m not a mom, very useful stuff!

  4. Wow! I’d never heard of the Family app before. What a great concept, a shared to do list and calendar. I’m going to download it now!

  5. I live my life by apps too and there are some great ones here I haven’t checked out yet. I think I’ll download Evernote right now, as I am a major note taker and my notes are everywhere! Thanks for the tips here.

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